
2024 Annual Report Rating: the winners


The winner of the overall 2024 Swiss Annual Report Rating is Sika, followed by Geberit and VP Bank in second and third place respectively. HIAG wins in the design category. We’re delighted to have contributed to the success of our customers Sika, Geberit and HIAG.

The Swiss Annual Report Rating is a rendezvous for the communications industry. Around 150 people accepted the HarbourClub’s invitation to the SIX ConventionPoint in Zurich. They represented a large proportion of the 235 companies that submitted their reports for this year’s competition. The evaluation covered the reports of all companies that were represented in the Swiss Performance Index (SPI) as of the end of 2023, as well as other companies headquartered in Switzerland, some of which are not listed.

Three worthy winners

For the first time, the overall ranking was determined by combining the results of the value reporting and design panels. Sika, Geberit and VP Bank scored the most points to take first, second and third place respectively. Check out the video to find out what was most impressive about the best-placed reports.

We work for three of the top 12 companies. In the design ranking, we helped HIAG to the first place, as well as contributed to seven solutions in the top 12. Not only that, but our business partners Holcim, Sika and Geberit again achieved top 10 rankings in the value reporting category. Here’s an overview of the best-placed companies:

Overall winners for the annual reports
1st place: Sika
2nd place: Geberit
3rd place: VP Bank

Design category
1st place: HIAG
2nd place: Avolta
3rd place: Zürcher Kantonalbank

Value reporting category
1st place: Novartis
2nd place: SGS 
3rd place: Clariant

Text category
Raiffeisen Group

All the results of the Swiss Annual Report Rating can be accessed online. In addition to the current ranking in the value reporting, design and text categories, the ratings of previous years are also available for download. All annual reports are also available as PDF files – all in all a library of more than 1,000 annual reports.

There have been some changes to this year’s rating: the previous three juries have now become two. The final jury, which previously assessed the twelve best reports, was cancelled. As a result, the Value Reporting and Design juries were given more weight in the nomination and award process. The new ‘Special Mention’ award recognises innovative reports that focus on outstanding and creative accents.

Speciality: Financial Publishing

Our Financial Publishing service package is aimed at listed and non-listed companies that see the value of professional financial and sustainability reporting. Our clients benefit from our cross-media capabilities and deep vertical integration, all on a one-stop basis. We can provide you with advice and support on cross-media communications strategies and on developing content. We also make sure that content is orchestrated properly across channels. We provide you with web-based publishing systems to make the publishing process effective and efficient. Our clientele includes many well-known organisations.

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Othmar Krienbühl
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M +41 79 430 11 91

Christian Schwander
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