Facts that tell
a story

Financial and sustainability reporting requires the highest levels of quality and precision. We help you plan your financial and sustainability reporting carefully and in line with the latest requirements, align it with the expectations of your stakeholders and integrate it into your overall – so that facts and figures don’t just inform your readers, but tell a story.

Strategy and consulting

Do you work for a listed or unlisted company that sees the value of professional financial and sustainability reporting? We’ll give you targeted advice geared to solutions, enabling you to approach your reporting on an integrated and collaborative basis. Taking your corporate strategy as a starting point, we work with you closely to create a compelling reporting concept including key strategic topics, a content and visual framework and appropriate tools. Whether the medium is online, print or a combination, we identify potential for improvement and ensure that all applications form a unified whole in terms of content and style.

Financial reporting

Financial reporting is dominated by information based on facts and figures, which must be presented with the utmost precision in clearly defined formats, all in full compliance with the relevant legal and regulatory requirements. But companies producing their reports also have plenty of freedom when it comes to implementation and presenting additional, primarily non-financial, information. If you utilise this freedom intelligently, you’ll achieve maximum impact with your target audiences. We use credible storytelling to make your business tangible and ensure that the various stakeholders are also emotionally engaged. This turns your financial report into a tool for communicating and strengthening your corporate image. We have the knowledge and experience to help you do precisely that.

Sustainability reporting

How sustainable is your business? Disclosing relevant strategies, behaviours, data and facts fulfils regulatory requirements and positions your organisation vis-à-vis its stakeholders and the public. We help you to plan your sustainability reporting carefully and comprehensively so that it’s tailored to your organisation and aligned with your stakeholders. In doing so, we’re guided by the ESG criteria (environmental, social and governance). Tone of voice is just as important as content. We develop consistent and authentic storytelling for you that creates transparency and a clear line of argument and can be evolved over multiple years.

Focusing on your commitment

Even companies that don’t produce sustainability reports in accordance with international standards should report on their sustainability goals and activities. These days, even SMEs are expected to provide their stakeholders with a transparent account of their sustainability efforts. Together with specialists, we have built expertise of especial benefit to SMEs. We support you on the path to pragmatic sustainability reporting.

Maximum process security

Our structures and processes are geared to the special parameters of financial and sustainability reporting, with specialised teams that are familiar with the regulatory requirements and are used to working to the tight deadlines involved. They deliver projects accurately and handle confidential data with absolute discretion. Our networked approach guarantees maximum process security in the production of your publication. When it comes to implementing projects across different media, you benefit from our rich experience, holistic expertise and deep vertical integration along the entire value chain.

Modular service packages delivered holistically

If you’re seeking comprehensive project support on a one-stop basis, our customised service packages give you the benefits of an integrated approach and a focus on your specific stakeholders. For each package, you can choose from the following modules:

Collaborative reporting

Collaborative reporting enables increasingly regulatory requirements to be met by strengthening cooperation between departments such as communications, finance, ESG and compliance. Communicating on a central platform allows everyone involved in the project to access the same data in real time. This minimises potential sources of error, ensures consistent information and saves precious time. Automated workflows and integrated verification systems also increase the quality and reliability of reports. All this creates a seamless process that not only makes reporting more efficient but also future-proofs it.

More informationen about Workiva


Annual reports per year


Sustainability reports per year


Collaborative publishing systems

Our partnerships

Amstein + Walthert


Annual Report Rating




Othmar 2

“Financial reporting, and sustainability reporting in particular, are in a stage of powerful development. We help our customers establish and evolve professional reporting and integrate it into their overall communications.”

Othmar Krienbühl


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