
Gear your reporting to the future

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Esther Lötscher

The benchmark for business and sustainability reporting is rising all the time. Information is getting denser and denser, and financial and sustainability-related information are increasingly intertwined. Companies that want to gear their reporting to the future should think holistically and implement the solution collaboratively.

The 2023 calendar year marked a milestone in the Swiss business world: in 2024, many listed companies will for the first time have to publish a non-financial report for the past financial year under the revised Swiss Code of Obligations. The requirements governing non-financial reporting will only get tighter going forward. This development is being driven by governments, authorities and investors, but also by society as a whole. Stakeholders across the globe are all increasingly focusing on sustainability. The density of information being reported also continues to increase.

Interdisciplinary cooperation required

The changes in reporting are a major challenge for companies, as they require a new approach to the preparation of business and sustainability reports. While in many cases reporting used to be the responsibility of the corporate communications or finance department, cooperation is now required between financial experts and specialists in GRC (governance, risk and compliance) and ESG (environment, social and governance) matters. Corporate, financial and sustainability information will become increasingly intertwined as time goes on.

Manifold implications for reporting

This is having a noticeable impact on the design, planning and implementation of reporting at various levels:

  • Integrated reporting and a clear sustainability strategy: Organisations have to take an integrated conceptual approach to their business and sustainability reports. Corporate reporting should go beyond traditional financial information and also include aspects such as environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors. Companies that pursue a clear sustainability strategy and credibly communicate that they’re also fulfilling their social obligations are valued and favoured by stakeholders. This boosts reputation and comes with numerous benefits, from greater customer loyalty to better financing options.

  • Organisation and processes: Many more internal and external processes need to be coordinated than in the past. Efficient interdisciplinary collaboration often requires a cultural change: Where clear hierarchies and decision-making processes still dominate, what’s required as time goes on will be agile collaboration supported by modern platforms.

  • Handling data: In future, data will no longer be collected, aggregated, reviewed and broken down from a single perspective, but from different angles – for example from the point of view of the business units and the perspective of potential climate risks. This means that climate and financial reporting data have to be exchanged internally. Given the countless figures in business and sustainability reports, the process can easily degenerate into chaos if this is done via email or spreadsheets. Centralised data storage and professional data exchange are therefore essential.

A partner with comprehensive expertise

Linkgroup specialises in reporting in all its facets and helps companies set up and develop professional financial and sustainability reporting and integrate it into their overall communications. Pooled expertise and a high level of vertical integration ensure efficient collaboration, a highly secure and reliable production process, and maximise data security.

Reporting: a chance to shine in corporate communications

Companies shouldn’t see their business and sustainability reporting as a chore. Professionally designed and implemented, and optimally integrated as part of the entire corporate communications package, they’re an annually recurring opportunity for a company to shine and enhance its reputation. This is especially true when regulatory content is enriched with storytelling elements that boost image and encourage stakeholders to interact with the messages.

Strategic partnership with Workiva

Linkgroup has expanded its service offering to include Workiva, a collaborative platform enabling integrated reporting through interdisciplinary collaboration. Workiva is based on the concept of a single source of truth and guarantees highly effective and efficient processes. Thanks to intelligent connections to upstream systems and interfaces, content is always up to date – in all media and with maximum production reliability. Reports can be designed according to corporate design specifications and the resulting document can be generated as a PDF at the touch of a button.

We’ll be glad to help you implement your business and sustainability reporting.

More information

Othmar Krienbühl
T +41 44 268 12 62
M +41 79 430 11 91

Christian Schwander
T +41 44 268 12 05
M +41 79 420 19 53

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