
Annual report now on all channels.

Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich (PHZH)
Linkgroup PHZH Einstiegsbild


The annual report of the Zurich University of Teacher Education (PH Zurich) was to be comprehensively revised and developed – conceptually, in terms of content and above all with the digital channel in the lead. Given that the preferences of the stakeholders using the different communication channels are different, and also constantly changing, PH Zurich wanted its new communications to be diverse and conceptually flexible. The new reporting presents the university as professional, confident and focused on its audience. The annual report has become more compact, concise and reader-friendly.


PH Zurich is the largest university of teacher education in Switzerland, with 900 employees and around 4,000 students and over 18,000 continuing education attendees each year. It trains and develops teachers at all levels, from kindergarten and lower primary school to vocational college. PH Zurich conducts applied educational research and provides a wide range of services to teachers, schools and other institutions.

Special features

Strategy: consulting, conceptual design, design, development of scenographic infographics, short report as trailer for online report.
Microsite: Project Canvas, audience analysis, search-engine-optimised content, content structuring workshops, storytelling, photo concept, UX/UI process, podcast, web development.
Smart web PDF: landscape format for optimum screen readability, interactive table of contents, vertical and horizontal scrolling, print on demand.

Linkgroup PHZH Nachhaltigkeitsbericht 1
Linkgroup PHZH Nachhaltigkeitsbericht 2
Linkgroup PHZH Nachhaltigkeitsbericht 3
Linkgroup PHZH Nachhaltigkeitsbericht 4
Linkgroup Phoenix Mecano Mock 1

“What impressed us about Linkgroup was their strategy consulting services, their ability to think conceptually, their design proposals and their cross-media implementation capabilities. In the production of the annual report, we also wanted a single contact for the entire project, from the microsite, the web PDF and the printed short report all the way to logistics. That’s why we chose a company that covers all these bases and also has the corresponding experience.”

Christoph Hotz

Deputy Head of Communications Zurich University of Teacher Education


Brief report, Annual Report (Legal Report PDF), Online report
Linkgroup Haig Einstiegsbild 2

Company Portrait and Online Reporting point the Way to the Future